
Slowly We Breathe The Change

A psalm of change to help guide the work of those who have signed the Mary Manifesto. Slowly We Breathe The Change Please read like a psalm and pause at each selah (asterisk) * Slowly we breathe, We support a space, singing an ode to “we,” men and women * and however we identify. Slowly we breathe We support a space where we can be open, be imagined by the best in all of us * to do the most for those with the least. Slowly we breathe We support a space safe of no accusation, of no oppression * where anger can arise and blossom into inspiration. Slowly we breathe We support a space for the feminine voice * and for voices to be heard that have not been heard, and for those who have been silenced. Slowly we breathe, We support a space for those who did not hear or could not listen * or would not listen. Slowly we breathe, We support a space for deep and loving reconciliation * for feminine and masculine voices to sing in unison again. Slowly we breathe, We support a space for words that will inspire a thousand years of deeds * that will make a difference. Slowly we breathe, We support a space for faith that enables us to change who we are * and be the loving transformation the greater “we” wants us to be.  Slowly we breathe, We support a space to feel the curiosity, to give our names, to add our effort * to leave a loving impression for millennia to come. Slowly we breathe, We are the change. I am grateful to Lillie Allen of Be Present for creating and holding a space where I could write this psalm. Slowly We Breathe the Change is offered to those who have signed The Mary Manifesto as a way to guide our work.

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