The Mary Manifesto is a call to support 318 WOMEN to gather in 2025 to review the Christian notion of God and the Creed, 1,700 years after 318 MEN met in Nicaea to do the same. It is about time! Let us make it happen! The book contains first the Mary Manifesto, second the radical poem Faithful Betrayal-Holy Fire and last story of how the Manifesto came to be written. (Please note that the poem is also published in the Candle Trilogy.)
The Mary Manifesto is $6.87 a copy and comes in a 4-pack for $27.49 plus shipping – you can flip through book to review it online.

The Candle Trilogy explores Holy Fire which emerges out the Holy Sepulcher at Easter. The first poem seethes with anger of young people with no hope, their candles extinguished as they helplessly watch opportunity and the environment be destroyed. The second poem asks the church to focus on igniting the Holy Fire in everyone. The third poem explores how Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Syrophoenician Woman and Mary Magdalene in their interactions with Jesus co-created Holy Fire with him and asks “Are you flint enough to light Holy Fire?” (The third poem also appears in the book Mary Manifesto.)
The Candle Trilogy is $6.50 a copy and comes in a 4-pack for $25.99 plus shipping – you can flip through book to review it online. The Candle Trilogy was also published in “Untamed Gospel” available on Amazon – more details at the bottom of this page.

The Songs of sOPHIa celebrate the work of Sabina Alkire and John Hammock at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative. In the Songs of sOPHIa, the figure of wisdom, asks us all to know our own poverty and respond by learning to count what truly matters so a more just and equitable world can exist for rich and poor alike.
The Songs of sOPHIa is $7.50 a copy and comes in a 4-pack for $29.99 plus shipping – you can flip through book to review it online.

Can You Kick Humpty? is a humorous call for everyone to remember how to rest and feel grateful in their hearts. Do you know how to stop working and be free? The book contains the funny Evensong of Humpty Dumpty and an account of how this is one of the most difficult things for humans to do. The book will change your perspective on rest, to-do lists and gratitude and it will make you laugh.
Can You Kick Humpty is $6.75 a copy and comes in a 4-pack for $26.99 plus shipping – you can flip through book to review it online.

The Dove Quartet is inspired by the monks of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist. The poem explores why and how to pray four times a day, as we wake up, at noon, in the evening and at bed time. How can we be intentional every day?
The Dove Quartet is $6.25 a copy and comes in a 4-pack for $24.99 plus shipping – you can flip through book to review it online.

Praying the Seven Prayers teaches the seven principal kinds of prayer listed in the Episcopal Catechism: adoration, praise, thanksgiving, penitence, oblation, intercession, and petition. Learning to pray all seven prayers is critical to spiritual health. If we pray all seven prayers we can achieve a sense of spiritual wholeness. Our spiritual unhealthiness can be diagnosed in the prayers we fail to pray!
Praying the Seven Prayers is $6.50 a copy and comes in a 4-pack for $25.99 plus shipping – you can flip through book to review it online.

The Grief & Wonder Trilogy is about moving with my grief at my sister Emma’s death. I described how we poured her ashes in a stream which she had written about in a poem. I thank all those who supported me at a terrible time and I describe gaining a sense of wonder as I learned to celebrate Emma’s life and the kindness that we received. I offer these poems for anyone experiencing grief and wanting to experience wonder again in their life.
The Grief & Wonder Trilogy is $6.25 a copy and comes in a 4-pack for $24.99 plus shipping – you can flip through book to review it online.

A Celebration of Colour is a copy of a hand painted prayer book for praying through the colours of the rainbow by Sr. Adrian of the Sisters of the Love of God, Oxford, UK. The book was a gift to me in memory of my sister Emma. It is a stunning gift and meditation for children and adults alike.
A Celebration of Colour is $6.25 a copy and comes in a 4-pack for $24.99 plus shipping – you can flip through book to review it online.
View the catalogue of Jamie’s Mini-books

‘Candle Trilogy’ published in ‘Untamed Gospel’
Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church College, Oxford in 2017 wrote, “It is good to be able to welcome and introduce the poetry of Jamie Coats in this anthology. Jamie is a layperson working for the Society of St John the Evangelist (SSJE) in the United States − an Anglican religious order of brothers. Jamie writes on contemporary monastic wisdom, and his work draws on Buddhist, Hindu and Christian traditions of meditation and silence. We reproduce his ‘Candle Trilogy’ towards the close of this volume.”
$25 Kindle
$27 Paperback